Kamis, 14 November 2013


Makassar city during HMDg.Patompo (1965-1978) served as Mayor of Makassar, which is dated 1 September 1971 changed its name to the city of Ujung Pandang after allowing for the expansion of the city of 21 km ² to 175.77 km ². But then, on October 13, 1999 changed its name back to Makassar.

Benteng Ujung Pandang (Fort Rotterdam), Makassar, Indonesia.
Ujung Pandang fortress (Fort Rotterdam), Makassar, Indonesia.
Makassar city is often called Daeng Town or City Anging Mamiri. Daeng is one in a strata title or community level or in Makassar in South Sulawesi in general, Daeng can also be interpreted as "brother". There are three classifications of "Daeng", namely: the name of the title, honor calls, and general call. 're Anging Mamiri means "wind blows" is one of the original songs are very popular area of Makassar in the 1960s. The song was well-liked by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir.Soekarno during his visit to Makassar on January 5, 1962.

Makassar is geographically located at coordinates between 119 º 18 '27.79 "- 119 º 32' 31.03" East Longitude and between 5 ° 3 '30.81 "- 5 º 14' 6:49 'south latitude, or are in the southwestern part of island Sulawesi with altitude ranging between 0-25 m. Because it is on the equator and is located on the coast of Makassar Strait, the air temperature ranges from 20 º C - 36 º C, rainfall between 2000-3000 mm, and the number of rainy days on average 108 days per year. Climate in the city of Makassar only knew two seasons as the rest of Indonesia, which is the rainy season and dry season. The rainy season lasts from October to April which affected western monsoon - in Makassar language called bara '-, and the dry season lasts from May to September monsoon-influenced east - in Makassar language called timoro -. In the dry season, South Sulawesi in general often appear dry winds and cold blowing from the east, called barubu wind (foehn).

With the expansion of the city of Makassar is 175.77 km2, then its borders changed, as follows:

  • Northern borders Pangkajene and Islands District (Pangkep), and Maros.
  • East with Maros and Gowa.
  • South side and bordered by Gowa Takalar.
  • Bordering the west side of the Makassar Strait.

In his presence, Makassar has its own historical experience that is closely associated with the history of South Sulawesi and Indonesia in general as part of an attachment both in geology, climate, fauna, flora, and the whole population is GOD Almighty's creation, as well as the level of engagement in the life society, culture and system of government. As is known, South Sulawesi consists of four clumps tribes, namely: Makassar, Bugis, Mandar, and Toraja.

According to the research of historians, in prehistoric times, human development in South Sulawesi has been showing at the level perundagian life (age carpentry) with the discovery of the relics of the past based tooling discoveries made by some prehistoric experts, among others, are:
  1. Fritz and Paul Sarasin Sarasin Swiss nation's two brothers, in 1920 found Toala tribal culture (Pannei) in Maros and Pangkajene and Islands. By Van Stein Callenfels establish cultural life Toala 300-500 BC
  2. HRvan Heekeren, conduct research in South Sulawesi. In Cabbenge (Soppeng) discovered the first animal fossils and the tools and ax flakes perimbas derived from Late Pliocene epoch. In the near Citta Soppeng Codong Leang, in 1937 found 2,700 pieces of gear are estimated to represent 2,657 people who come from the Holosin. HRvan Heekeren continue research in the Maros regency in Goa Saripa, found many arrowheads called Lancipan Maros.
  3. Van Stein Callenfels Bantaeng excavations in the area and Batu Caves Ejaya, found among other Dutch coins, pottery, and square pickaxe. In addition, we found a bronze bracelet, by Van Stein Callenfels set age layer 300 BC
  4. The findings of the post-Pleistocene time in caves, among others, Leang Karassa (Goa Hantu) found human skeletal flakes and tool blades (knife or awl made of stone tools used for hunting and household utensils) which is an element of culture Parts Toala, at Leang JariE and PataE, Maros discovered painting hand stamp and pigs.

Arca Buddha dari mazhab seni Amaravati ditemukan di Mamuju
Buddha statues from the art school of Amaravati
found in Mamuju
Moreover, in Sikendeng, Sampaga, Mamuju found Buddha statues made ​​of bronze art comes from the school of Amaravati, South India that developed in the 2nd century to the 5th century AD that shows the relationship as well as the influence of India's oldest culture in South Sulawesi in Indonesia or . In Makassar (Ujung Pandang) found a very large ax, length 70.5 cm is made of bronze with a decorative vessel that can be filled like water, called "The ax Makassar" and also found pottery, earthenware (cooking utensils made of clay) from excavations. This pottery comes from Kalumpang in Karama River, which spread to Mamuju Maros, Makassar, Takalar, and Bantaeng. In retrospect style of pottery, the development period covering the planting and perundagian.

In 1960-1966, the population digging in some places in South Sulawesi as Regional Pinrang, Polewali, Gowa, and several other areas, with a depth of 0.50 m to 2.00 m, found household appliances (plates, bowls, jars, stale, cups, etc.) that has artistic value, cultural, and economical high, which generally comes from China and Siam. The results of these excavations indicate a trade and cultural relations between the people of South Sulawesi with the Chinese nation.

In Lompo Barrang Island, Makassar, there is a grave headstone of Islam that resembles menhirs (upright stone as a memorial stone worship ancestral spirits) as high as 1.50 m which is the megalithic tradition after tradition of planting.

Entered a period of history, namely the presence of a few notes about South Sulawesi, among others, performed by Tome 'Pires (1513), Pinto (1544), Antonio Galvao, Willem Lodewycksz (1596). Tome 'Pires is an expert on medicines from Lisbon, Portugal, after the Portuguese conquered Malacca on August 24, 1511, to travel to several regions in Indonesia in 1513-1515, among others, recorded his travels in South Sulawesi in Suma Oriental serving on the Makassar, then by Armando Costesao write in English and published in 1944. The next clue is "writing lontara" both made ​​by Daeng Pammate during King Gowa Tumpa'risi Kallonna (1510-1546), as well as other lontara authors noted several important events that occurred in the Kingdom of Gowa and Tallo kingdom.

Aksara Bugis - Makassar (naskah kuno) yang tertulis  diatas daun lontar (Borassus flabellifer).
Literacy Bugis - Makassar (codex) are written
on palm leaves (Borassus flabellifer).
With the fall of Malacca town which is a port city and commercial center into the hands of the Portuguese, a change in the flow of traders from Malacca City to some of the cities in the archipelago, inter alia, Pidie, Jambi, Palembang, Jakarta, Sunda Kelapa, Tuban, Gresik, Makassar, and Banda, making the cities visited by merchants.

At the time Islam began to enter the Kingdom of Gowa and Tallo in 1605, Makassar is the capital of the Kingdom of Gowa become a bustling city with the arrival of traders from various parts including the Portuguese, British, and was followed later by the Dutch who had mastered the Kingdom Gowa Makassar after the fall of the fort in 1667 and Somba Opu in 1669, which then form a system of colonial rule to the Dutch East Indies government system based Regeerings-Reglement 1815 by the central government in the Fort Ujung Pandang (Fort Rotterdam).

Netherlands which has controlled most of South Sulawesi since the fall of Fort Ujung Pandang and Somba Opu, got hold of a good fight and the kings of the people in South Sulawesi and never give up until the outbreak of the Pacific War at the end of 1941.

Entering 1942 in Makassar Dutch government system changes to the system of government that is run by the Japanese Army occupied the whole region after Indonesia. But the government is run by the Japanese army only runs for 3 ½ years since due to the formation of the Republic of Indonesia by Proclamation dated August 17, 1945.

After independence was achieved by the Indonesian people, the people have not been able to enjoy the fruits of the struggle that has been fought for hundreds of years. Dutch regained control of most of Indonesia with countries forming the union (federal). Makassar used as the basis for forming the Eastern Indonesia State until the State of East Indonesia dissolved itself after the reformation of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1950.

Unitary Republic of Indonesia several times to change the system of government, including the shape and composition of regional governments. Changes in the shape and composition of regional governance can be seen with the few changes in the regulations on Local Government either set by law or presidential determination, namely:
  1. Law No. 22 of 1948 dated July 10, 1948 on Regional Government, came into force on March 13, 1950 by Government Regulation No. 1 of 1950.
  2. Law No. 1 of 1957 dated January 17, 1957 on the Principles of Regional Government (State Gazette No. 6 of 1957);
  3. Emergency Law No. 6 of 1957 dated January 30, 1957 on Changing the Law No. 1 of 1957 on the Principles of Regional Government (State Gazette of 1957 No. 9);
  4. Indonesian Presidential Determination No. 6 of 1959 (enhanced) November 7th, 1959 on Local Government (State Gazette No. 129 of 1959);
  5. Determination of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 5 of 1960 (enhanced) dated 10 February 1961 on the Legislative Council Secretariat and Regional Mutual Aid. (State Gazette of 1961 No. 6, Supplement to Statute Book No. 2145);
  6. Law No. 18 Year 1965 dated 1 September 1965, on the Principles of Regional Government (State Gazette No. 83 of 1965);
  7. Law No. 5 of 1974 dated July 23, 1974 on the Principles of Regional Governance, (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1974. 38, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3037).

In accordance with the content and purpose of Act No. 5 of 1974 on the Principles of Governance in the Region, the regional government continues to be refined and directed the implementation of a real autonomy and responsibility based on the principle of decentralization, deconcentration, and tasks (medebewind).

Law No. 5 of 1974 which emphasize autonomy in Region Level-II has not been fully implemented, can only be valid for 25 years, there were more changes after the political reform in 1998 that gave birth to the new local government system, ie the release of Law No. 22 of 1999 dated May 19, 1999 on Regional Administration, (Statute Book of 1999 No. 72, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3851). In this law, the authority granting autonomy to set the Regency and City based on the principle of decentralization only in the form of autonomy, real and responsible. Authority of regional autonomy is the freedom to organize all areas of government except for authority in the field of foreign policy, defense, security, justice, monetary, fiscal, and religion. Implementation of Law No. 22 of 1999 in the city of Makassar became effective on January 1, 2001, which previously, namely on December 30, 2000 marked the whole apple in Makassar City Government employees Karebosi Field.

Seeing the growth and development of the City government since the founding of the Kingdom of Gowa Makassar to implementation of regional autonomy with emphasis on Regional Level II and resumed granting the broadest possible autonomy, then history is organized under the title "The History and Development of the Government of Makassar" with half- round as follows:
  1. Gowa Kingdom period (1300 - 1815);
  2. Dutch period (1815 - 1942);
  3. The Japanese Occupation (1942 - 1945);
  4. After the proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia (August 17, 1945);
  5. Makassar City expansion.

Bentuk Rumah dan Perkampungan Bugis-Makassar

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